  • 02-03


    想要打造**家庭影院效果,好的音响产品是不可或缺的,也是感受视听盛宴的前提条件,在我们选购家庭影院音响的时候可不要盲目哦,*好和懂行的人一起,没有相关经验就很容易掉进选购音响的误区,今天我们就来探讨一下家庭影院音响的选购技巧。  首先,选购家庭影院音响不是喇叭大体积大效果就好,有的人甚至有一种炫富的心理,以为大就阔气效果就好,其实不然,音响的效果和大小无关,主要看重量,像密度板、重金属散热器等都是增加重量的因素,因此看重量不能看大小。  其次,近些年由于木质家具木质门的盛行,很多家庭影院音响销售员会给你推荐一些所谓原木的音响设备,夸夸其谈,告诉你如何如何好,如何如何上档次,原木对于家具而言会达到结实耐用、上档次的效果,但是做音响的话却关系不大,但是原木音响对固定机箱的效果确实不错,但是原木音响一般外形死板不如塑料材质的外形精美,所以只要效果好,材质不用选择过于昂贵的。  *后,选购家庭影院音响的时候,不要只听价格,价格不能代表一切,选购音响适合自己就是*好的,像一些音响中的**价位昂贵之际,可能会受到发烧友的强烈追求,对于一般家庭而言,完全没必要,选购音响主要看的是质量和音质,不用太奢华,够用即可。
  • 02-03


    嵌入式家庭影院:看不到的音响,看的到的影院  对家庭影院稍微了解的人们都清楚,家庭影院由多种器材组成,其中音响就占了一大部分,因此在组建家庭影院时,人们总是担心音响摆放后,家中的地方就会变的拥挤,所以就犹犹豫豫到底该不该做家庭影院。其实人们现在是无需担心这个问题的,选择嵌入式家庭影院,让音响“隐形”,下面我们就来了解一下嵌入式家庭影院吧。  对于我们中的绝大多数人来说,“嵌入式家庭影院”应该是个很陌生的概念。传统的影院,笨,重,大等不足,与现代装修推崇的简洁时尚格格步入,特别是两个环绕严重的污染了人们的视觉,使有限的客厅面积显得更加局促。而嵌入式家庭影院,实现了一个突破,在保证音质效果的同时,实现了音箱的入墙,*大程度的节约了客厅空间,简洁时尚。而音箱的预埋件完全防水,防潮,自由拆卸的金属面板,使得音响的寿命和产品的更新换代非常的方便。  说到嵌入式音箱系统,就不得不提到另外一个词,“定制安装”。嵌入式音箱系统是定制安装中家庭影院常用的一种音箱系统。安装美观及节省空间是嵌入式音箱系统区别于外摆式音箱系统的*突出优点。  嵌入式家庭影院哪家影音公司能做  嵌入式家庭影院可以说优于其他家庭影院形式,更加符合现代人的视听及审美,但是嵌入式家庭影院设计装修是比较复杂的,并非每家影院公司都可以装修设计成,人们只有选择经验丰富的专业影音公司,才可能让家庭影院的效果达到*好。  目前在国内装修设计家庭影院的公司有很多,但是并非每家都适合用户进行选择,其中富和双盛是目前国内开展家庭影院时间较久,并且自成立以来已经为数千栋别墅设计装修了家庭影院,经验丰富,并且内嵌式家庭影院是富和双盛主推的方案之一,力求设计的家庭影院更加符合人们的审美。  以上就是对内嵌式家庭影院的简单介绍了,内嵌式家庭影院虽在现在十分流行,但是人们在选择影音公司时,一定不能马马虎虎,需要认真挑选。
  • 01-25


    很多人在现在安装家庭影院的时候,往往还是按照以前的方法,认为在房间里摆上几个音箱,买个投影机和挂个幕布就可以了,像这种依猫画虎的方法如今已经不被时尚人士所认可,他们更多追求的家庭影院是美观、简单的,嵌入式家庭影院可以说是现在成功人士**。  嵌入式家庭影院的配置方案:  嵌入式家庭影院系统能够很好地融入住宅装饰中,线缆完全预埋在墙体和吊顶中,入墙和吸顶扬声器的面罩可以定制成与周围墙面一致的颜色。若没有亲身体验,你也许不会相信嵌入式家庭影院近乎“隐形”的外观,却一样能够营造出身临其境的高品质环绕声影院音效。  一套完整的家庭影院所需配备的必然包括视频以及音频设备。随着各种款式的视频设备日益创新外,扬声器一直以来也在以巧妙的“微整形”应对各种环境的需求,特别是环绕扬声器。环绕扬声器在一个影院组成中是不可或缺的部分,因为影片中有许多音效是需要通过侧/后环绕来使得观众获得音场包围感。而环绕扬声器的演变也是为了满足发烧友们的需求提升,以及电影音效技术的发展。从*初对着耳边的书架式环绕,到后来为了提升音效包围感而打造的挂壁式偶极发声,三向发声,无疑都得到了爱好者的认可和支持。而电影音轨技术的录制从*早的5.1到现在的7.1,环绕扬声器的选择也开始被大家所重视。但由此一些烧友们也带来了自己的困扰:  1、如果房间面积不大,后侧无地方放置环绕该怎么办?  2、小客厅要打造7.1声道,墙面挂4个喇叭会影响整体美观该如何解决?  3、家中有小孩,如果地面上放4个书架环绕会多少存在安全隐患。  其实诸如此类的问题不在少数,要依次都能解决且保证音质效果的办法就是:1、入墙嵌入式影院系统;2、吸顶嵌入式影院系统。下面展示的住宅案例中,既有风格各异的起居室,也有高标准的独立视听室,均采用定制安装的嵌入式影院系统。
  • 01-16

    The development of smart home theater system

    At present, the growth rate of the home theater market is basically maintained at about 10%, and it is difficult for the home theater to become a necessity in the family consumption in the short term. The home theater market in secondary and tertiary cities and urban and rural areas will become the main market with growth potential. On the other hand, the population with professional sound consumption demand is relatively stable, so the home theater market will still maintain a growth trend It's a long-term trend.With the continuous maturity of the market and the improvement of brand concentration, the competition between manufacturers will be more intense. In the face of the pressure of meager profits and the good momentum of the market, whether the home theater manufacturers can create products that integrate innovative technologies and meet the needs of consumers is the core factor for the sustainable development of home theater manufacturers.In the next few years, China's home theater market will continue to grow steadily. The rapid promotion of digital technology and the gradual popularization of digital TV have stimulated people's demand for the new generation of home theater products, forming a strong driving force for the development of China's home theater market. The intellectualization, simplification and personalization of the products have become the new demand hot spot in the home theater market, which also indicates a huge market development space.The difference between home cinema, private cinema and private entertainment center is the equipment combination of video display system composed of projector screen and audio playback system composed of speaker power amplifier, which usually does not involve the problem of indoor architectural acoustics;Private cinema refers to a room with special functions to provide private rooms such as music, movie and TV appreciation on the basis of home cinema equipment. It requires reasonable room shape, silent learning defects, and clear requirements for reverberation time, sound insulation, RASTI, etc;Private entertainment area, also known as private audio-visual entertainment hall, refers to the addition of 3D games, karaoke, satellite TV, music appreciation and other functions on the basis of private cinema.目前家庭影院的市场增长速度基本维持在15%左右,家庭影院短期内难以成为家庭消费中必需品;而二、三级城市和城镇高端家庭影院市场将成为主要的具备增长潜力的市场,另一方面具有专业音响消费需求的人群相对比较稳定,因此家庭影院市场依然会保持一个增长的态势。  随着市场的不断成熟和品牌集中度的提高,厂商之间的竞争也将更加激烈。面对微利的压力和市场蓄势待发的良好势头,能否创造出融合创新技术、满足消费者需求的产品,是家庭影院厂商能否实现持续发展的核心要素。  未来几年,全国家庭影院市场仍会稳步增长。智能技术的迅速推广和数字电视的逐步普及,激发了人们对新一代家庭影院产品的需求,形成拉动全国家庭影院市场发展的强劲动力。产品的智能化、简约化和个性化成为家庭影院市场新的需求热点,也预示着巨大的市场发展空间。  家庭影院、私家影院和私家影音娱乐馆的区别是指投影机投影幕等组成的视频显示系统和音箱功放等组成的音频重放系统的设备组合,通常不涉及到室内建筑声学的问题;  私家影院,是指拥有家庭影院设备的基础上,有专门特定功能的房间来提供音乐、电影、电视欣赏等私密房间,并且要求房间体形合理,无声学缺陷,而且对混混响时间、隔声、RASTI等有明确的要求;  私家娱乐区也称私家影音娱乐馆,是指在私家影院的基础上,增加了3D游戏、卡拉OK、卫星电视、音乐欣赏等功能
  • 01-16

    Ceiling Speaker must read - family background music

    The difference between constant resistance and constant pressure1. Output form difference:Eastank high end home theater audio1. Constant voltage is not a certain voltage, but the output form is a constant voltage, which requires a certain rated voltage of the load. The constant voltage power amplifier is connected by multiple constant voltage speakers in parallel, as long as the total power does not exceed the total power of the constant voltage power amplifier.2. Constant resistance power amplifier requires a certain output load resistance. In the constant resistance power amplifier, if the load impedance changes, the power will change accordingly. An 8 ohm 100W constant resistance power amplifier connected to 4 ohm will become close to 200W.2. The application is different in different placesEastank high end home theater audio1. Constant voltage power amplifier is mainly used in public broadcasting in public places, because the distance between public broadcasting speaker and power amplifier is far, and a power amplifier is usually connected to multiple low-power speakers. In order to reduce the line loss and avoid the influence of one speaker on or off on the volume of other speakers in the system, the constant voltage power amplifier has high voltage and low current output. Constant voltage connection power amplifier multiple speakers, as long as the speakers in parallel on an ordinary wire can be.2. Constant resistance power amplifier. It is mostly used in family background music, home cinema, KTV and stage. Because the distance between the speakers of family background music, home cinema and stage and the power amplifier is relatively close, and it does not need to connect many speakers, so the constant resistance power amplifier has high current and low voltage output. Special speaker cable should be used to connect the power amplifier and sound.3. Sound quality differenceEastank high end home theater audioFixed voltage is used in large space where the sound quality is not very high. On the contrary, fixed resistance can only transmit within 100 meters due to transmission limitation, so it is generally used in small space when the sound effect is much better. Because the constant voltage power amplifier uses a transformer in the circuit, its sound quality is affected to a certain extent. But if you choose a high-quality loudspeaker, you can improve the sound quality of the broadcasting system.Constant resistance power amplifier and speaker, constant voltage power amplifier and speaker need to match:A simple understanding of constant voltage power amplifier is to use voltage to drive the loudspeaker. It has the characteristics of high output voltage and low current,Constant resistance power amplifier is our general household power amplifier, which is driven by current. The characteristic of loudspeaker is large current and small voltageConstant resistance amplifier connected to constant voltage speaker, the sound is very small, even can not hear;The power amplifier with constant voltage is connected to the speaker with constant resistance, and the speaker is burned;Speaker size and sound effect:The larger the diameter of the diaphragm, the larger the volume of air and the more obvious the sound pressure; in short, it is easier to excite the air and give people the feeling of airflow impact. The low frequency response will be better, and the sound felt by the human ear will be better. Of course, it should be matched with power amplifier, power and so on.The larger the volume, the stronger the magnetism. The stronger the magnetism, the higher the efficiency of the loudspeaker, and the higher the loudness under the condition of the same received power. The more control you have!Coaxial speaker:Click on the picture to view the slide modeBecause the general speaker, treble unit and bass unit are arranged on the panel of the speaker, their sound producing centers cannot coincide as one point. In this way, the distance between the treble and bass to the listener is different, which will lead to phase deviation and affect the correct restoration of sound and image. Coaxial speaker uses coaxial unit, which is actually a combination of high pitch unit and low pitch unit. The high pitch is cleverly placed in the center of the low pitch diaphragm, so it can ensure that the acoustic center of high and low pitch is the same point, thus solving the problem of phase deviation.Frequency division Speaker:The frequency divider is the "brain" in the speaker, which is used to separate the input music signal into different parts such as high, medium and low, and then send them to the corresponding high, medium and low speaker units for playback.Click on the picture to view the slide modeThe frequency divider can be divided into two, three and four frequency bands. Bisection is to divide the whole frequency band of audio signal into high frequency and low frequency; trisection is to divide the whole frequency band into high frequency, medium frequency and low frequency; quartering is to divide trisection into ultra low frequency.The frequency dividing point refers to the intersection of the frequency response curves of two adjacent loudspeakers (such as the treble and bass in the second frequency division, the treble and midrange in the third frequency division, and the midrange and bass). It is usually the frequency at half of the power output of the two loudspeakers (i.e. - 3dB point). It should be determined according to the frequency characteristics and distortion of the speaker and each loudspeaker. Generally, the frequency division points of the two frequency divider are between 1kHz and 3kHz, and the frequency division points of the three frequency divider are 250Hz ~ 1kHz and 5KHz.定阻与定压之分  1、输出形式区别:             Eastank美国音士坦高端家庭影院音响  1、定压不是电压一定,而是输出形式是定压,它要求负载的额定电压一定。定压功放以多个定压音箱并联的形式连接,只要总功率不超过定压功放的总功率。  2、定阻功放要求输出负载电阻一定。 在定阻功放中如果负载阻抗发生变化,功率就发生相应变化。8欧姆100W的定阻功放接4欧姆就变成接近200W。  2、场所应用不同:             Eastank美国音士坦高端家庭影院音响  1、 定压功放主要应用于公共场合的公共广播,因为公共广播音箱和功放的距离比较远,而且一台功放机通常要连接多个小功率的音箱。为了减小线路损耗,避免系统中 某个喇叭开启或关闭对其他喇叭的音量造成影响所以定压功放高电压低电流输出〔相对的〕。定压连接功放多个音箱,只要将音箱并联在一条普通的电线上就可以 了。  2、定阻功放.多用于家庭背景音乐、家庭影院、KTV、舞台,因为家庭背景音乐、家庭影院、舞台等音箱与功放的距离比较近而且不需要连接很多的音箱,所以定阻功放高电流低电压输出,连接功放和音响应选用专用的音箱线。  3、音质区别             Eastank美国音士坦高端家庭影院音响  定压用在要求音质不是很高的大空间,反之定阻由于传输的限制只能传输100米以内,故一般用在小空间当音效相对要好的多。因为定压功放在电路上使用了变压器,所以其音质受到了一定的影响。但是如果选用优质的广播音箱完全可以提高广播系统的音质。  定阻功放与音箱,定压功放与音箱需匹配:  定压功放简单理解就是以电压来推动扬声器 ,特点,输出电压大 电流小,  定阻功放就是咱一般家用功放 是以电流来推动扬声器的 特点是电流大电压小  定阻的功放接定压的音箱,声音很小,甚至听不到;  定压的功放接定阻的音箱,烧音箱;  音箱尺寸与音效:  尺寸大的音箱单元振膜直径大,推动空气的体积也就越大,声压也就越明显;简言之,就是更容易激动空气,给人有气流冲击的感觉。低频响应会比较好,人耳所感受的的声音会比较好听些。当然还要同功放、功率等等方面都做到相匹配。  吸铁石大体积越大,磁性也越强。磁性越强,扬声器的效率越高,在收到功率相同的的情况下,响度也就越大。,控制力也就越强!  同轴音箱:  点击图片查看幻灯模式  一 般的音箱,高音单元和低音单元由于平面地排列在音箱的面板上,所以它们的发声中心不可能重合为一个点,这样,高音和低音到达聆听者的距离就有差异,这种差 异会导致相位偏差从而影响声像的正确还原。同轴音箱用的是同轴单元,这种单元实际上是高音单元和低音单元的组合体,高音巧妙地放置在低音振膜的中心处,因 此能保证高、低音的声学中心是同一个点,从而解决了相位偏差的问题。  分频音箱:  分频器是音箱中的“大脑”, 用以将输入的音乐信号分离成高音、中音、低音等不同部分,然后分别送入相应的高、中、低音喇叭单元中重放。  点击图片查看幻灯模式  分频器按分频频段可分二分频、三分频和四分频。二分频是将音频信号的整个频带划分为高频和低频两个频段;三分频是将整个频带划分成高频、中频和低频三个频段;四分频将三分频多划分出一个超低频段。  分频点是指两个相邻扬声器(如二分频中的高音与低音,三分频中的高音与中音,中音与低音)的频响曲线在某一频率上的相交点,通常为两个扬声器中功率输出的一半处(即-3dB点)的频率,要根据音箱和每个扬声器的频率特性和失真度等参数决定。通常二分频分频器的分频点取1KHZ~3KHZ之间,三分频取250HZ~1KHZ和5KHZ两个分频点。
  • 01-09

    Basso BA312 from Eastank, USA

    In a standard 5.1 home theater system, a strong, clean and potential subwoofer has a very important influence on the final effect. In addition to working in the frequency response range of less than 80Hz when playing digital channels, it has a great key to the sudden impact transient force caused by the atmosphere camp, making the picture more shocking and immersive. There are many kinds of subwoofer in the market, but it is definitely a good choice to choose the American Eastank BA312 subwoofer. The new series of subwoofers from  Eastank, a famous home audio and video manufacturer in the United States, are available in three sizes: ba308, ba310 and BA312. BA312 subwoofer not only has strong control power, but also gives full play to the shocking aura of king in the world. Wave after wave of ultra-low audio, rolling from the store, both in the force and calm, makes people feel enjoyable Solid sound box is used in Eastank BA312, all of which are made of medium density fiberboard (MDF), with built-in 450W power amplifier, class A / B operation, MOSFET output stage and bass reflective load. 12 to promote the bass unit located at the bottom of the speaker toward the ground. This kind of design enables the low class to spread to every corner instantaneously when it breaks out. More sound effects adjustment, including volume adjustment, segmentless filtering, frequency adjustment from 40-120hz, phase from 0-1800, there are two groups of low-level RCA terminal input, one group is only for lfe input of 5.1 channel, BA312 is also equipped with high-level input. The weight of  Eastank BA312 is 15.9kg, and the frequency response range is 26-100hz ± 3dB. In order to better experience the subwoofer sound effect of Eastank Soundtrack BA312, you can choose the sound test pieces such as "Air Force One", "cannon", etc. you will feel the speed of the bullet and the heavy metal smell of the bullet case, full of quality explosive force, and the real bullet will be as real as if you are rowing along your side. The infiltrative ultra-low frequency design of  Eastank  BA312 is a major feature. However, in practical use, it should be noted that the bass reflecting air hole should not be too close to the wall, and there should be proper space breathing development. In order to ensure the sound box has better stability when working in overweight low frequency, BA312 has four bimetal pin foot accessories.
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